The Magic of Therapy

A blog about the transformational power of psychotherapy and how it helps us blossom into the wholesome being we are.

Learn to Nurture Different Types of Intimacy in Your Life.

Learn to Nurture Different Types of Intimacy in Your Life.

There are several types of intimacy. We usually associate the word “intimacy” with sex, and while that’s one version, but it’s not the entire picture. Many intimacy types are impactful in their own ways. Long-term relationships usually require support and acknowledgment of several kinds of intimacy to thrive. If you think you might have a fear of intimacy, consider reaching out to a therapist.

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What your Attachment Style means for your Relationships.

What your Attachment Style means for your Relationships.

Let’s look at how your attachment style might affect how you and your partner interact with one another. According to attachment theory, there are four types of adult attachments that develop from childhood: Secure, Anxious-Ambivalent, Avoidant Attachment, Disorganized Attachment. How does this affect us now, in the present day, and how does it affect our romantic relationships?

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