The Magic of Therapy
A blog about the transformational power of psychotherapy and how it helps us blossom into the wholesome being we are.
How Perfectionists Can Learn to Delegate
Some people don’t think of perfectionism as a bad thing. But that’s typically because they think perfectionism means having high expectations and always striving for perfection.
How to Spot an Emotionally Invalidating Partner
Everyone deserves validation for their feelings, especially in a romantic relationship. Emotions always demand to be felt, and while sometimes they can feel extreme or even not always based in reality, it’s important to find validation.
How to Cope If Sexual Assault Scandals in the News Trigger You
There’s no question that we’re living in uncertain, and sometimes frightening times. It might seem like every time you turn on the news or scroll through social media, you see another story that disturbs you.
How to ask my partner for what I want or need.
Click on the picture to see a video of me right out of a successful session with a woman who’s struggling with being vulnerable and giving her husband “another chance”.
In her eyes, she’d just be setting herself up for disappointment, yet again. After our conversation, it was very clear to her where her “people pleasing” was coming from and how she wasn’t given her husband the real chance she wants to give him.
Most importantly, she came out of the session with an experiential understanding that she matters and there shouldn’t be any shame in putting her needs first. This was not about giving her husband a chance, but giving herself the chance.
4 Tips for Working Moms Struggling with Depression
There’s no question that being a working mom takes a lot of time and energy. It can be exhausting, and you’ll end up doing a lot of task-juggling. But, there will undoubtedly be times when you’ll feel overwhelmed.
What Is Emotional Neglect and How Does It Affect You?
Experiencing trauma early in life does not, unfortunately, end when you turn eighteen. Childhood trauma can follow you throughout life. When you suffer abuse at an early age, it impacts your growth and development, causing it to become a major issue.
What to Know About Overcoming Reproductive Trauma
Having difficulties with pregnancies is one of the least discussed issues when it comes to mental health awareness. Many believe that pregnancy is a joyous period of time and should only be referred to as such. For others, however, pregnancy may leave you with long-lasting trauma.
What Is Racial Trauma?
Unfortunately, there are still severe consequences for being a person of color in the United States. Both systemic racism and individual bias make being a non-white person in this country more difficult than it should be.
What Is Complex Trauma?
Although our life is simply a series of events one after the other, some of them leave a longer-lasting impact than others. Unfortunately, this is true for negative events just as much as positive events.
What Is Complex Developmental Trauma?
Whether it comes from your environment, someone in your life, or a random event, stumbling across the darker aspects of life is all too easy. The truth is, unfortunately, getting through life can sometimes leave scars.
How to Allow Yourself to Intimate If You Find It a Struggle
Allowing someone to know and love you is one of the most intimate human experiences. It may not always come easily, but allowing yourself to be intimate with another person is possibly one of the most gratifying things you can do.
How to Deal with Grief and Loss
It is hard to understand the effect that grief and loss can have until you experience the loss of something or someone particularly important. The experts at Psych Blossom say that you can be sympathetic to others who are experiencing grief, but until you go through it yourself, it can be very difficult to really comprehend what it feels like.
The Impact of Life Transitions on Mental Health
A life transition is any type of change in life that affects it in a big way. Life transitions occur throughout our lives, even when we are very young. For example, think about the massive impact that going to school can have on a young child.
Depression: There's A Lot More to It Than Sadness
Depression is among the most underdiagnosed mood disorders in the world. It's not that doctors, psychotherapists, and other medical professionals don't believe it's real.
Common GAD Myths – And the Truth, Too!
Anxiety therapy is one of the services we offer here at Psych Blossom. It is an invaluable therapy for people living with general anxiety disorder (GAD).
Seasonal Depression Is Real – Here's What You Need to Know
Do you experience feelings of depression or melancholy during the winter months? Do those feelings begin to set in just after daylight saving time ends? If so, you're not alone. Seasonal depression is real.
How to Be Sure Social Anxiety Doesn't Get to Run Your Life
As someone whose work focuses heavily on depression and anxiety therapy, I have a lot of opportunity to work with people struggling with social anxiety. Their struggles make it difficult to interact with friends and family in social situations.
Coping with Anxiety and Depression During the Holidays – Part 2
In the context of offering depression therapy, one of the things we try to do is help clients understand what depression looks like for them. In other words, it is good to recognize how depression manifests itself. It can take on many forms.
Coping with Anxiety and Depression During the Holidays – Part 1
Enjoying the annual holiday season can be challenging if you deal with anxiety or depression. You might generally want to feel the joy and happiness that everyone around you seems to so freely embrace. But for you, the holidays just aren't everything you wish they were. We want you to know that your holidays can be better.
Is There a Right or Wrong Way to Cope with Grief and Loss?
Grief and loss are part of the human experience. The thing is that people deal with them in different ways. If the way you cope with grief and loss doesn't fit what others think it should look like, you may find yourself questioning whether you are 'doing it right'. Well, you can take comfort in the fact that there is no right or wrong way to cope with grief and loss.