What Is Complex Developmental Trauma?
Whether it comes from your environment, someone in your life, or a random event, stumbling across the darker aspects of life is all too easy. The truth is, unfortunately, getting through life can sometimes leave scars.
These mental and emotional scars can otherwise be referred to as “trauma.” This is a term you have certainly heard before. But do you really know what it means? What about different types of trauma, such as complex developmental trauma?
Defining trauma
In recent years, discussing traumas has become much less taboo. While this is a great stride for destigmatizing matters of mental health, the definition of “trauma” has become much muddier. So, what really is trauma?
The most basic definition of trauma is the emotional response you feel after experiencing something traumatic. This lasting feeling can be days, months, years, or last an entire lifetime. The traumatic experience can be anything from witnessing a car accident to suffering abuse. There are no strict guidelines as to what constitutes trauma and what does not. All experiences are valid.
What makes complex developmental trauma different?
While anyone can live with trauma, having true complex developmental trauma is a bit different. This is a trauma that is categorized by developing over a long period due to traumatic events someone experienced in childhood. The long-lasting and widespread effects of these events are what lead to developing of complex developmental trauma.
Generally, the traumatic experiences that lead to complex developmental trauma are incredibly intrusive. Things like serious neglect or abuse are the types of events that lead to such types of trauma. Developing this variety of trauma comes from the scope of the events experienced throughout childhood and the amount of time it takes to receive treatment for this trauma. The longer and further into adulthood the more evident it can be in your life.
Recognizing the signs and impact on your life
Since complex trauma only becomes more detrimental with time, recognizing the signs and how it affects your life is a very important step in the treatment process. Although seeing some of the following symptoms in your life does not necessarily mean you are living with trauma, it is something you should seriously evaluate.
Relationship problems: Whether you recognize it or not, growing up is when we begin to form our view of relationships, both platonic and romantic. If you grew up in a troubled household with no positive role models, you might have not developed the skill to evaluate your relationships. Luckily, this is something that can be developed with time and therapy.
Tendency to dissociate: Disassociation is one of the coping mechanisms the body employs when going through trauma, especially throughout childhood. If this is something you still experience regularly, it could be an indication that your body never unlearned this skill.
Few memories from childhood: Again, this is another coping mechanism for surviving childhood trauma. Your brain tries to protect you and may have completely blocked harmful or triggering memories from tumultuous times in your life.
Moving on from your trauma
The good news is that with the correct systems in place, you can not only heal from your trauma, but you can thrive despite it. Do not shy away from your trauma, but instead, face it head-on. It will be a tough battle, but you are strong enough to get through it.
If you or a loved one have experienced trauma in their life, complex or otherwise, I urge you to seek out a trained trauma therapist. Recovering from your trauma begins with receiving the care and attention your mental health deserves. Healing is difficult, but you never have to do it alone. Reach out to my team today to schedule an appointment for trauma therapy.