The Magic of Therapy
A blog about the transformational power of psychotherapy and how it helps us blossom into the wholesome being we are.
Self-Care: What it looks like
Learn some self-care tips and why they are so important. Self-care is more than taking a bath or exercising. It encompasses areas such as physical, relational, financial, and more.
Why do high achievers struggle with emotional intimacy?
Explore the relationship between high achieving behaviors and struggles with emotions and intimacy. This article also explores the benefits of improving emotional skills and intimacy, as well as tips on how to do so.
Celebrating National Recovery Month
September is National Recovery Month, a time dedicated to spreading awareness about the benefits of substance abuse treatment and mental health services, which can help many suffering in our society lead better lives.
Are you an exercise addict?
Exercise is so socially acceptable and brings so many benefits that it's hard to see it as an addiction. However, it could be a way of coping with internal pain, anxiety & trauma like many other addictive behaviors. In this article, we explore the signs of exercise addiction and offer a way forward.
Knowing When to End a Relationship
Learn how to identify red flags in a relationship. I see so many clients in relationships with partners who have narcissistic traits. These relationships are very confusing and seeking professional help can spare you years of suffering. It is also a great opportunity to strengthen your self-esteem.
Why am I not happy?
In this post, I explain what is (CEN) childhood emotional neglect and what are its symptoms in adulthood. Then, we explore how it affects emotional development and relationships. Lastly, I summarize the three stages of therapy I find effective in helping clients heal from neglect.
The Power of Vulnerability
We live in a society that rewards those with courage and valor. We are taught from a young age that it’s good to face our fears, for doing so is often the catalyst for powerful and lasting change.
And yet, how many of us allow ourselves to be vulnerable?
Do I stay or do I go?
Breaking up is always difficult, even if you’re the one making the decision. In this article, we explored some of the internal pain points of breaking up with someone and important questions to ask yourself before making the decision.
The Truth About Perfectionism
Learn the difference between doing your best and perfectionism. Identify the signs of when seeking help might be appropriate.
Let Go of Excessive Guilt
Guilt is a normal feeling, but in excess, it could be a sign of other mental health issues such as depression, anxiety & Trauma. This article explores how to let go of guilt and heal.
Do I Have Commitment Issues?
Learn to recognize signs of commitment issues and what can you do to overcome them.
Tackle the Challenges of Working from Home.
Learn tips on how to manage the challenges of working from home during Covid and beyond.
Healthy vs. Unhealthy Relationships
Learn the difference between healthy and unhealthy relationships and how to cultivate the latter.
Don’t Believe Everything You Think…
Tips for when anxiety gets too much and your mind keeps going to worse case scenarios.
Assess, Don’t Impress!
Find dating tips on first impressions. Learn how your self-esteem plays a role in dating success.