How to Cope If Sexual Assault Scandals in the News Trigger You

There’s no question that we’re living in uncertain, and sometimes frightening times. It might seem like every time you turn on the news or scroll through social media, you see another story that disturbs you. 

While it’s often difficult to stomach any type of tragedy, some might hit home more than others based on personal experiences — including sexual assault scandals. 

These scandals are nothing new. But, they can often seem more prominent today thanks to the speed with which we get our news, and how social media makes it nearly impossible to avoid certain stories. 

If you’re a sexual assault survivor, these scandals can be incredibly triggering. You might not be able to avoid them completely. So, what can you do to cope? 

Unplug and Disconnect

Again, you might not be able to completely avoid the news of sexual assault scandals. That’s especially true in recent years where we’ve seen so many high-profile cases. 

But, that doesn’t mean you have to be inundated with them constantly. One of the best ways to give yourself a break is to “disconnect” from social media for a while. You can even go one step further and detox from your phone, even if it’s just for a few hours each day. 

Finding time to step away from the noise can make a big difference, and it can give you the opportunity to clear your head and feel more in control even when the rest of the world seems chaotic. 

person walking in an empty field towards a setting sun above mountains

Practice Mindfulness

Mindfulness has seen a lot of growth in popularity over the last few years, and there are plenty of good reasons for that. It helps you focus on the present. It can keep you grounded, especially when a trigger strikes. 

The best part? The practice of mindfulness can be done just about anywhere, at any time. 

If you’re starting to feel triggered by something you see or hear, pause. Close your eyes and take a few slow, deep breaths. Focus on the present moment. Other thoughts will continue to come, but let them pass by without holding onto them, like clouds passing in the sky. 

Often, only a few minutes of mindfulness can make a difference in how you feel. 

You can also rely on your five senses to bring you back to the present and keep you grounded. It’s easy to let yourself travel back to a traumatic situation when you’re triggered. Reminding yourself that you are here now is a healthy and effective way to cope. 

Lean On Your Support System

One of the best things you can do if you find yourself getting triggered by these scandals is to lean on the help and support of friends and family. It’s important to remind yourself that you’re not alone. 

Having solid people in your life who are there to back you up can help in a variety of ways. First, it can extinguish your fear. You’re much more likely to be scared about something if you have to tackle it on your own. Knowing there are people standing beside you and behind you will help to give you strength. 

It can also help to have someone to talk to. Even if you don’t want to open up about what you’ve been through, being able to express yourself and your fears and frustrations can be soothing. Your support system can boost your confidence and self-esteem, and help you feel more in control. 

If you find that you’re still struggling with frequent triggers, don’t hesitate to reach out for trauma therapy. You can’t control what shows up in the news. But, you can establish greater control over how you respond to it. 


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