How Open Dialogue Can Ease Relationship Anxiety

Anxiety can take many forms. Maybe you’re pretty calm and relaxed when it comes to most things, but your relationship is a huge source of fear and worry. 

Sound familiar? If so, you might be dealing with relationship anxiety. This type of anxiety refers to the feelings of fear and doubt and the need for constant reassurance within a relationship. 

You might find yourself always worrying that your partner will leave you or that they think negatively of you. Or, you might let negative self-talk creep in, convincing yourself that you’re not good enough to be in a relationship. 

Whatever the case, relationship anxiety can wreak havoc on your mental well-being and can even cause problems within your relationship. Thankfully, open dialogue can help. 

Signs of Relationship Anxiety

If you tend to feel fearful about your relationship and not many other things, it’s a pretty clear sign that you’re dealing with relationship anxiety. However, there are other “red flags” to consider. 

For example, you might not open up to your partner about things that are bothering you. If they have habits that you don’t like, you might avoid saying anything. You might also worry about them getting mad at you, even if you can’t figure out a reason why they would. 

Needless to say, relationship anxiety can be exhausting. It often feels like your mind never “turns off.” But, you’re not doing yourself or your partner any favors. The more worried you are about the “what ifs” of your relationship, the less likely you are to enjoy the present with the person you love. 

How Open Dialogue Can Help

It’s no secret that effective communication is important for any healthy relationship. But, when you have relationship anxiety, open dialogue is even more essential. Not only will it help your mental well-being, but it will give your partner a glimpse into how you’re feeling, so you can fight back against the anxiety together. 

Having honest conversations with your partner about how you’re feeling will build empathy and understanding. Tell them about your worries, your expectations, and even your doubts. When you’re able to talk through challenges, you can build trust and intimacy. Doing so can help your relationship feel stronger and more secure, and could even alleviate some of your worries. 

When you don’t have open dialogue with your partner, your anxious thoughts are likely to become worse. Anxiety often causes people to make up worst-case scenarios in their minds. If you aren’t opening up to your partner about those thoughts, they’ll keep getting more intense and causing more internal turmoil. 

How to Communicate Effectively

When you’re dealing with anxiety, it’s not always easy to open up. But, it’s a commitment you should make if you want to ease relationship anxiety and fight back against it with your partner. 

Schedule a time to talk and let your partner know it’s important. Having a designated time can help you feel more in control. You both can avoid distractions and you’ll have your partner’s full attention. 

Focus on using “I” statements to disclose how you feel. The more vulnerable you’re able to be, the more likely it is that your partner will understand you. 

Finally, consider reaching out to us about your relationship anxiety. Anxiety therapy can help you get to the root cause of that anxiety. Sometimes, it stems from childhood. It could also be the result of a negative romantic relationship from your past that caused you to doubt yourself. Knowing where it stems from will make it easier to overcome it, so you can enjoy your relationship without having to live in fear. 


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